Thursday, September 27, 2007

X-treme Fun

Last night I took 20 students to a place called X-treme fun. What a night of fun and fellowship with students. I loved playing with students...laughing, sweating and enjoying the company of one another. About 9 months ago we started a new ministry to high school students at our Erie campus, with the idea that we would practice Christianity as a family together. Meaning that we are going to study the Word of God, we are going to pray for one another, we are going to care for those in need, we desire to develop a place where students can come and discover what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ. No big program, no outstanding speaker. Just a community built on the love of God and the love of others. Last night it was evident that students have learned to love each other. In the midst of fierce competition and intense battles students cared for one another. They looked out for those who needed help, gave up so other could have a turn, they made sure everyone was included. Community was happening, real, spiritual community was occurring. On the ride home in one of the vans students began asking each other how they could be praying for one another that week, deep pain was happening in a girls’ life and she needed prayer from the group. I believe that she asked for it, because over the past nine months of praying together as a family God has been answering prayer and students have been seeing God at work. As students were leaving a girl who joined us for the first time came up to me and said I have never experienced a group who cares for each other like you guys care for each other. I can’t wait to come back next week! Praise God! Someone who needs Jesus might actually be seeing him in true spiritual community. “And the Lord added to their number daily of those being saved.” X-treme fun was when the church acted like a spiritual community.

1 comment:

Kenz said...

Gary thanks so much for doing that!!! It was a total blast and you are so right, I mean, it was just a great night.